References for Sagina Bay Research

Kehew, A. E. & Kozlowski, A. L. 2007. Tunnel Channels of the Saginaw Lobe, Michigan, USA. Applied Quaternary research in the central part of glaciated terrain. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 46, 69–78, 10 figures.

James Zumberge , 1960, Correlation of Wisconsin Drifts in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio: GSA Bulletin 1960:1177-1188

Curry, B. B., and C. H. Yansa, 2004 (published in 2006), Evidence of stagnation of the Harvard sublobe (Lake Michigan lobe) in northeastern Illinois, USA, from 24 000 to 17 600 BP and subsequent tundra-like ice-marginal paleoenvironments from 17 600 to 15 700 BP: Géographie physique et Quaternaire, v. 58, p. 305-321.

Timothy G. Fisher, Lawrence D. Taylor, 2002, Sedimentary and stratigraphic evidence for subglacial flooding, south-central Michigan, USA: Quaternary International 90 (2002) 87–115

Richard L. Rieck and t Harold A. Winters, 1982, Characteristics of a Glacially Buried Cuesta in Southeast Michigan: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 72, No. 4 (Dec., 1982), pp.

BROWN, Steven, NEWELL, Wayne, STONE, Byron, KINCARE, Kevin , O'LEARY, Dennis, 2006, NEW REGIONAL CORRELATION OF GLACIAL EVENTS AND PROCESSES IN… AND NORTHERN INDIANA AFTER THE LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM (LGM): Geological Society of America , North-Central Section–40th Annual Meeting (20–21 April 2006)

John R. Hoaglund III, Jonathan J. Kolak, David T. Long and Grahame J. Larson, 2004, Analysis of modern and Pleistocene hydrologic exchange between Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) and the Saginaw Lowlands area, Geological Society of America Bulletin 2004;116;3-15

Bahr, J.M., Moline, G.R., and Nadon, G.C., 1994, Anomalous Pressures in the Deep Michigan Basin: in Ortoleva, P., ed., Basin compartments and seals: AAPG Memoir 61

Toth, J., M. D. Maccagno, C. J. Otto, and B. J. Rostron, 1991, Generation and migration of petroleum from abnormally pressured fluid compartments: Discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, p. 331–335.

McPherson, B. J.; Saylor, B. Z., 2001, Driving Regional Scale Groundwater Flow in the Deep Michigan Basin: Glacial Loading vs. Variable Density Flow: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2001, abstract #H32C-0320

J.C. McIntosha, L.M. Walter, Volumetrically significant recharge of Pleistocene glacial meltwaters into epicratonic basins: Constraints imposed by solute mass balances: Chemical Geology
Volume 222, Issues 3-4, 5 November 2005, Pages 292-309

J. Kolak, D.T. Long, J. M. Matty, G. J. Larson, D. F. Sibley and T B. Councell, Ground-water, large-lake interactions in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron: A geochemical and isotopic approach: GSA Bulletin; February 1999; v. 111; no. 2; p. 177-188

Richard C Anderson, 1967, Pebble and Sand Lithology of the major Wisconsin Glacial Lobes of the central lowland: Geological Society of America Bulletin 1957;68;1415-1450, November 1967.

Michael R. Rampino, 1994, Tillites, Diamictites, and Ballistic Ejecta of Large Impacts: The Journal of Geology, Vol. 102, No. 4 (Jul., 1994), pp. 439-456

Michele Struble, 1995, Heavy Metals in Saginaw Bay: Evidence for Brine Seepage?: Central Michigan University, 1995 On-Campus Abstracts
R. L. Rieck, H.A. Winters, 1982, Low-altitude organic deposits in Michigan: Evidence for pre-Woodfordian Great Lakes and paleosurfaces: GSA Bulletin; August 1982; v. 93; no. 8; p. 726-734

B. L. Rhoads, R. L. Rieck, H.A. Winters, TREND SURFACE ANALYSIS OF GLACIALLY BURIED PLEISTOCENE ORGANIC DEPOSITS IN CENTRAL MICHIGAN: The Professional Geographer, Volume 36, Issue 1 February 1984 , pages 64 - 73

Lin Ma.; Maria Clara Castro.; Chris M. Hal; Walter, L. M., 2005, Unusually High Helium Fluxes in the Shallow Marshall Aquifer in Southern Michigan: Implications for Cross-formational Flow and Salinity Sources: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, abstract #H11C-1273

Lin Ma, a, , Maria Clara Castroa, and Chris M. Halla, 2008, Atmospheric noble gas signatures in deep Michigan Basin brines as indicators of a past thermal event: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (2009) 137–147

John A. Luczaj, William B. Harrison, III and Natalie Smith Williams, 2006, Fractured hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs in the Devonian Dundee Formation of the central Michigan Basin:AAPG Bulletin; November 2006; v. 90; no. 11; p. 1787-1801; DOI: 10.1306/06270605082

J. Ronald Eyton & Judith I. Parkhurst, 1975, A RE-EVALUATION OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN OF THE CAROLINA BAYS : In Luis E. Ortiz & Susan Gross, editors: Geography Graduate Student Association University of Illinois at Urbana, Paper Number 9, April 1975

James F. Price, 2004, An essay on Introduction to Fluid Dynamics: A Coriolis Force Tutorial, Non-refereed Publication, 48pp, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, July 6, 2004

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